Slice Methods
Nov 18, 2015 · 2 minute read · CommentsGoMethodsSlice
In Go, slices can have methods too (indirectly). There can be so many use cases when slices can have methods. Have you ever come across a situation where you had a struct satisfying an interface but you had a slice of the same struct and hence you had to iterate over the slice and pass a single item eachtime to some function that accepted this interface? and imagine doing that multiple times in your code. Well, you don’t have to do that, there is a way for slices to have their own methods.
It can be achieved in the following way -
type Todo struct {
ID int
Content string
type TodoSlice []Todo
func (ts TodoSlice) String() (s string) {
t := []Todo(ts)
s = fmt.Sprintln("No of Todos:", len(t), "\n")
for i, todo := range t {
s += fmt.Sprintln(i, " -")
s += fmt.Sprintln(" ID: ", todo.ID)
s += fmt.Sprintln(" Content: ", todo.Content)
s += fmt.Sprintln("\n")
func main() {
t1 := Todo{2, `Go Rocks !!`}
t2 := Todo{5, `Methods on slices are cool!!`}
todos := []Todo{t1, t2}
You can run this code here.
In the above example, I created a type TodoSlice
which is of type slice of type Todo
. This new type has a method String() string
, this method can be called on the slice of struct Todo
by casting it to type TodoSlice
. What we now indirectly have is a method on slice of type Todo
, since it has a method, it can also satisfy an interface.